Top Tips for Single Parent Teachers

Top Tips for Single Parent Teachers

Guest blogger, Louise Lewis (@MissLLewis) is an Assistant Head of Science and Research Lead, and single parent to her daughter.  Here, she shares her experience of parenting and teaching, and her top tips for colleagues and schools keen to support their single parent...
The Perfect Ramadan Alarm Clock

The Perfect Ramadan Alarm Clock

English teacher, and mother of two, Sabina Webster, explains how her changing identities of daughter, mother and teacher have influenced her experience of Ramadan. For as long as I can remember I had been the worst at getting up for Sehri (or Suhoor –the pre-dawn meal...
Shared Parental Leave

Shared Parental Leave

Head of PE and Dance and mother of two, Helen explains how shared parental leave worked for her and her husband, also a teacher. I am currently coming to the end of my second maternity leave, and second experience of Shared Parental Leave (SPL). SPL works by enabling...