London Summer Coffee Morning

London Summer Coffee Morning

Emma Sheppard (@Comment_Ed), Founder of The MTPT Project, summarises the conversations and reflections of the recent MTPT Project London Summer Coffee Morning. Today we hosted our second MTPT Project coffee morning in the beautiful and light (despite the rain...

Learning to Love Twitter

MaternityTeacher blogger, Lucy Braidley (@Lucy_Braidley) sums up her top 5 reasons for using Twitter as a CPD tool whilst on parental leave. Like any social media platform there are pros and cons to using Twitter, but over the last few weeks I’ve begun to see it as a...

School Governance on Parental Leave

Kate Fiddian (@kfiddian), Assistant Head, Science teacher and South West Representative for The MTPT Project explains how taking up a role as a Primary School governor has improved her understanding of whole school leadership, and enriched her experience of maternity...